Current Team
Anubha Deshpande
PhD Program
Dissertation: Corrosion Fatigue Life Prediction of Aircraft Structures
M.Tech Program
Thesis: To be decided
Vijay Shankar Dwivedi
PhD Program (Co-supervisor- Dr. AK Ghosh)
Dissertation: Design and Fabrication of Solar-powered Aircraft with Power-Optimal Attitude Control Autopilot
Deepak Jain
Research Establishment Officer & PhD Program (Co-supervisor- Dr. AK Ghosh)
Dissertation: Aircraft Load Monitoring using Regression and Machine Learning Techniques
Mohit Jaiswal
Student Research Associate
Project: Characterization and Modeling of Membranes for Inflatable Space Structures
Sairam Krishna
M.Tech Program
Thesis: Load Monitoring of Hansa Aircraft using Regression and Machine Learning-based Techniques
Bhajan Lal
M.Tech Program
Thesis: To be decided
Kanchan Mahure
PhD Program (Co-supervisor- Dr. PM Mohite)
Dissertation: Fibre Optic Sensing-based Corrosion Monitoring in Aircraft Structures
Yalew Mekonnen
PhD Program
Dissertation: Corrosion Detection in Aircraft Structures using Ultrasonic Guided Waves
Smrit Prakash
M.Tech Program
Project: To be decided
Shivam Rai
MS (Research) Program
Project: Characterization and Modeling of Membranes for Inflatable Space Structures
Prashant Verma
PhD Program
Dissertation: To be decided
Former team members
Saisumanta Behera
M.Tech Thesis: Fibre Bragg Grating Sensor-based Studies on Acoustic Emission in Thin Plates
(Currently with Airbus India)
Tony John
B.Tech Projects: (1) Finite Element Modeling of Acoustic Waves for Defect Detection, (2) Finite Element Modeling of Lamb Waves in Metallic Structures
(Currently with ExxonMobil)
Dr. David Kumar
Sr. Project Engineer - Characterization and Modeling of Membranes for Inflatable Space Structures
(Currently with Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan)
Vipin Pal
M.Tech Thesis: Finite Element Analysis of Viscoelastic Materials for Dynamic Applications
(Currently with Rolls-Royce India)
Avinash Shet
M.Tech Thesis: Effect of corrosion on the fatigue life of an aircraft component
(Currently Freelancer)
Shubham Srivastava
M.Tech Thesis: Mechanical characterization of CNT/PP nanocomposite
(Currently with VTOL Aviation)
Ajeet Kumar Yadav
M.Tech Thesis: Implementation of Regression-based Methods for Aircraft Loads Monitoring
(Currently a PM Research Fellow @ Indian Institute of Science)
Jyothsna Bali
Senior Project Associate
Project: Development and demonstration of a fibre-optic sensor-based system for aircraft loads and usage monitoring
VR Sathya Prakash
Project Engineer
Project: Characterization and Modeling of Membranes for Inflatable Space Structures