Dwivedi, V.S., Salahudden, Ghosh, A.K., Kamath, G.M., and Giri, D.K., “Optimal Achieving Zero Sideslip Using Novel Control Surface Auxiron," Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 46 (2), 374-381, 2023.
Kamath, G.M., Mangalgiri, P.D., Shet, A., “A quantitative assessment of the impact of corrosion on fatigue life of aircraft components,” Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 133, March 2022.
Dwivedi, V.S., Salahudden, Giri, D.K., Ghosh, A.K., and Kamath, G.M., “Optimal Energy Utilization for a Solar-Powered Aircraft using Sliding Mode-Based Attitude Control,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 57, 2021, pp. 105-118 .
Khare, V., Srivastava, S., Kamle, S., Kamath, G.M., “Effect of Filler Functionalization on the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Polypropylene Nanocomposites,” Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol. 14, 2019, pp 215-225.
Kumar, D., Kamle, S., Mohite, P.M., and Kamath, G.M., “A Novel Real-time DIC-FPGA-based Measurement Method for Dynamic Testing of Light and Flexible Structures,” Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 30, 2019.
Sundaram, R., Kamath, G.M., and Gupta, N., “Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Structures - Issues and Challenges,” International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2012, pp. 74 – 85.
Kamath, G.M., Sundaram, R., Gupta N., and Subba Rao, M., “Damage Studies in Composite Structures for Structural Health Monitoring using Strain Sensors,” Structural Health Monitoring, Vol. 9, No. 6, 2010, pp. 497 - 512.
Snyder, R., Kamath, G.M., and Wereley, N.M., “Characterization and Analysis of Magnetorheological Damper Behavior under Sinusoidal Loading,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 39, No. 7, 2001, pp. 1240 – 1253.
Wereley, N.M., Kamath, G.M., and Madhavan, V., “Hysteresis Modeling of Semi-Active Magnetorheological Helicopter Dampers,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 10, August 1999, pp. 624 – 633.
Kamath, G.M., Wereley, N.M., and Jolly, M.R., “Characterization of Magnetorheological Helicopter Lag Dampers,” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, July 1999, pp. 234 – 248.
Wereley, N.M., Pang, L., and Kamath, G.M., “Idealized Hysteresis Modeling of Electrorheological and Magnetorheological Dampers,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 9, August 1998, pp. 642 – 649.
Kamath, G.M., and Wereley, N.M., “Bringing Relevance to Freshman Aerospace Engineering: Demonstration of Model Scale Comanche Helicopter Lag Mode Damper,” International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 13, No. 5, 1997, pp. 369 – 375.
Kamath, G.M., and Wereley, N.M., “Nonlinear Viscoelastic-Plastic Mechanisms-Based Model of an Electrorheological Damper,” AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 20, No. 6., 1997, pp. 1125 – 1132.
Kamath, G.M., and Wereley, N.M., “A Nonlinear Viscoelastic-Plastic Model for Electrorheological Fluids,” Smart Materials & Structures, Vol. 6, 1997, pp. 351 – 359.
Kamath, G.M., Hurt, M.K., and Wereley, N.M., “Analysis and Testing of Bingham Plastic Behavior in Semi-Active Electrorheological Fluid Dampers,” Smart Materials & Structures, Vol. 5, 1996, pp. 576 – 590.
Subramanian, G., Raveendra, V.V.S., and Kamath, G.M., “Robust Boundary Triangulation and Delaunay Triangulation of Arbitrary Planar Domains,” International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 10, 1994, pp. 1779 – 1789.
conference proceedings
VS Dwivedi, Prashant Kumar, AK Ghosh, GM Kamath, Selection of Size of Battery for Solar Powered Aircraft, 11th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles CAMS 2018: Opatija, Croatia, 10–12 September 2018
David Kumar, G. M. Kamath, P. M. Mohite, Sudhir Kamle, “Realization and Dynamic Studies of CNTs-PDMS Membranes for Biomimetic Flapping Wing Applications,” Annual SEM Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, June 4–7, 2018, Greenville, South Carolina, USA.
Vivek Khare, David Kumar, G.M. Kamath, Sudhir Kamle, “Time-temperature dependent creep and recovery behaviour of MWCNTs-polypropylene nanocomposites,” Annual SEM Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, June 4–7, 2018, Greenville, South Carolina, USA.
David Kumar, Vivek Khare, G.M. Kamath and Sudhir Kamle, “Dynamic Studies of Flexible Sandwich Beams with Hyperviscoelastic Core using Digital Image Correlation,” International Conference on Composite Materials and Structures, Hyderabad, December 2017.
M. Tur, I. Kressel, Y. Botsev, A. Handelman, P. Guds, S. Ronen, S. Cohen, ACR. Pillai, M. Hari Prasad, GM. Kamath, R. Sundaram, N. Gupta, A. Khatkhate, S. Gali, “The Use of Optical Fiber Sensors for Load Tracking and Structural Health Monitoring of UAV Composite Structures”, International Conference on Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles, Bangalore, India, April 3-4, 2009.
B. Ramanaiah, HV. Ramachandra, S. Sanjeev Kumar, Gaddikeri Kotresh, Byji Varughese, Ramesh Sundaram, G.M.Kamath and M.Subba Rao, “Challenges in Static Testing of Co-cured, Co-bonded Composite Aircraft Structures”, National Conference on Scientific Achievements of SC & ST Scientists and Technologists, Bangalore, India, April 2009.
Stanley C Salem, MNN Gowda, HV Ramachandra, GM Kamath and M Subba Rao, “Development of CGLARE: Design, Fabrication and Characterization,” Proceedings of International and INCCOM-6 Conference on Future Trends in Composite Materials and Processing, Kanpur, INDIA, December 2007.
Ramesh Sundaram, G M Kamath, Nitesh Gupta and M. Subba Rao, “Structural Health Monitoring of Co-cured Aerospace Composite Structures using Fibre Optic Sensors,” Invited Talk, Proceedings of Second ISSS National Conference on MEMS, Microsensors, Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, Pilani, INDIA, November 2007.
A M Khatkhate, G M Kamath, M. Subba Rao, “Sensor failure detection for robustness of SHM using a combined artificial neural network and finite element analysis approach,” Proceedings of Second ISSS National Conference on MEMS, Microsensors, Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, Pilani, INDIA, November 2007.
Satish Chandra, S. Ramachandra, GM Kamath, K. Karthikeyan, J. Dhayanidhi, Vijay Petley, B. Ramanaiah, Stanley C Salem, MNN Gowda, M. Subba Rao, “Experimental investigations on composite, fibre-metal and metal coupons for high velocity bird impacts,” National Seminar on Aerospace Structures (NASAS), Coimbatore, INDIA, September 2007.
GM Kamath, B. Ramanaiah, Kundan K. Verma, and M Subba Rao, “Static Environmental Testing of a Cocured Aircraft Wing Test Box,” National Seminar on Aerospace Structures (NASAS), Coimbatore, INDIA, September 2007.
GM Kamath, Ramesh Sundaram, Nitesh Gupta and M Subba Rao, “Health Monitoring of Composite Aircraft Structures using Fibre Optic Sensors: Some Issues and Challenges,” Invited Talk, Proceedings of National Seminar on Aerospace Structures (NASAS), Coimbatore, INDIA, September 2007.
GM Kamath, Khatkhate A., M Subba Rao, “Sensor Failure Detection using a Combined Artificial Neural Network and Finite Element Analysis Approach,” Second ISSS National Conference on MEMS, Microsensors, Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, Pilani, INDIA, November 2007.
GM Kamath, EJP Babu, R Sundaram, N Gupta and M Subba Rao, “Damage Identification In Composite Structures Using Artificial Neural Networks,” First ISSS National Conference on Smart Structures and MEMS, Hyderabad, INDIA, December 2006.
GM Kamath, R Sundaram, EJP Babu, N Gupta, M Subba Rao, “A Neural Network Based Health Monitoring Methodology for Co-cured/Co-bonded Composite Aircraft Structures,” Third European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Granada, SPAIN, July 2006.
Sanjeev Kumar, B. Ramanaiah, HN Sudheendra, GM Kamath, and M Subba Rao, “Application of Acoustic Emission to Study Debond Growth in Co-cured/Co-bonded Composite Structure Under Fatigue Loading,” Fourteenth National Seminar on Aerospace Structures, XIV NASAS, Nagpur, INDIA, January 2006.
R Sundaram, G M Kamath, “Structural health monitoring (SHM) of composite structures using fiber optic sensors,” ISSS International Conference on Smart Structures, Materials and Systems, Bangalore, INDIA, July 2005.
P Senthil Kumar, G. Rajnish, C M Savita, Subin Paul, G M Kamath, “Active vibration control of structures using an impedance matching control technique,” ISSS International Conference on Smart Structures, Materials and Systems, Bangalore, INDIA, July 2005.
Nitesh Gupta, G M Kamath, Ramesh Sundaram, M Subba Rao, “Neural network based damage detection algorithm for structural health monitoring of aerospace composite structures,” ISSS International Conference on Smart Structures, Materials and Systems, Bangalore, INDIA, July 2005.
Ramesh Sundaram, G M Kamath, Nitesh Gupta and M. Subba Rao, “Structural health monitoring of co-cured composite structures using FBG sensors,” SPIE International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems, Newport Beach, USA, March 2005.
Nitesh Gupta, GM Kamath, Ramesh Sundaram, M. Subba Rao, and P. Sunil Kumar, “Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Structures Using Neural Networks,” Third ISAMPE National Conference on Composites (INCCOM-3), Pune, INDIA, October 2004.
B. Varughese, H.Y. Subramanya, B. Ramanaiah, N. Nagarajappa, Kotresh Gaddikeri, G.M. Kamath, Ramesh Sundaram, and M. Subba Rao, “Damage Tolerance Studies on Carbon Fibre Composite Flap Structures Having Defects at Rib-Skin Interfaces,” International Conference on Advances in Structural Integrity (ICASI), Bangalore, INDIA, July 2004.
Ramesh Sundaram, GM Kamath, K. Praveen, and M. Subba Rao, “Structural Health Monitoring of Co-cured Composite Structures Using Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors,” International Conference on Advances in Structural Integrity, Bangalore, INDIA, July 2004.
Nitesh Gupta, Ramesh Sundaram, G.M. Kamath, and M. Subba Rao, “Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Structures Using Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors,” National Seminar on Smart Materials, Intelligent Structures and Systems in Civil Engineering, Bangalore, INDIA, June 2003.
Ramesh Sundaram, G.M. Kamath, and M. Subba Rao, “Structural Health Monitoring Concepts for Co-cured/Co-bonded Composite Aerospace Structures,” Second ISAMPE National Conference, on Composites (INCCOM-2) and National Seminar on Aerospace Structures (NASAS), Bangalore, INDIA, September, 2003.
G.M. Kamath, G.N. Dayananda, and R. Senthilpriya, “A Modified Thermomechanical Modeling Approach for Shape Memory Alloy Behaviour,” ISSS-SPIE International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, Bangalore, INDIA, December 2002 (Also SPIE Vol. 5062, October 2003).
G.M. Kamath, P. Senthil Kumar, M.V. Shivaprasad, “Vibration Control Studies Using an Impedance Method,” ISSS-SPIE International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, Bangalore, INDIA, December 2002 (Also SPIE Vol. 5062, October 2003).
G.M. Kamath, and G. Karthikeyan, “Active Control of Structures Using Impedance Control Method,” Second International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM), Kharagpur, INDIA, December 2001.
technical reports
Verma, K.K., Kamath, G.M., Ramchandra, H.V., and Rao, M.S., Experimental Studies on Co-cured Composite T- joints, PD AC 1106, 2011, National Aerospace Laboratories.
Ramanaiah, B., Varughese, B., Kamath, G.M., and Subba Rao, M., Static Test Report on Typical Aircraft Wing Test Boxes, PD AC 0921, September 2009, National Aerospace Laboratories.
Stanley C. Salem, Sugun B.S., Gowda, M.N.N., and Kamath, G.M., Low Velocity Impact Studies on Carbon Fibre Metal Laminates, PD AC 0904, March 2009, National Aerospace Laboratories.
Shakthi Sathya, P., Manisha M. Banker, Kotresh, M.G., Byji Varughese, and Kamath G.M., FE Analysis on T-joint and Wing Test Box, Special Publication, SP 0817, 2008, National Aerospace Laboratories.
Stanley C. Salem, Gowda, M.N.N., Ramachandra, H.V., and Kamath, G.M., Development of Carbon Fibre Metal Laminates (CFML): Design, Fabrication and Characterization, PD AC 0814, August 2008, National Aerospace Laboratories.
Venkatesh S, Byji Varughese and GM Kamath, HSTDV CE Shell Design and Analysis Report, PD AC 0805, March 2008, National Aerospace Laboratories.
Senthil Kumar P, and GM Kamath, Active Vibration Control of Model Support Structures for Wind Tunnel Applications, PD AC 0801, February 2008, National Aerospace Laboratories.
Gaddikeri, K.M., James, P., Varughese, B., Banker, M.B., Siddeshwar, Naik, B.N., Senthilnathan, K., Rajesh, E., Kamath, G.M., Chandra, S., and Subba Rao, M., Design of Composite Wing for SARAS aircraft, PD AC 0714, November 2007, National Aerospace Laboratories.
Senthil Kumar P, GM Kamath, and M Subba Rao, Signal Processing and Spectral Analysis using dSPACE DS1102 DSP board, PD AC 0709, May 2007, National Aerospace Laboratories.
Prem EJ Babu, GM Kamath, Analysis of Skin-Stiffener Debonds Using Cohesive Finite Elements, Project Document, PD AC 0607, September 2006, National Aerospace Laboratories.
GN Dayananda, GM Kamath, Technical Report of SMA Experiments Conducted at Institute of Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, Technical Memorandum, TM AC 0601, September 2006, National Aerospace Laboratories.
Ramesh Sundaram, GM Kamath, Nitesh Gupta, M. Subba Rao, Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Structures using Fibre Optic Sensors, PD AC 0502, October 2005, National Aerospace Laboratories
Nitesh Gupta, Ramesh Sundaram, GM Kamath, Development of Real Time Data Acquisition System for Analog Signal Processing from FBGSLI System, Project Document, PD AC 0501, April 2005, National Aerospace Laboratories.
M.V. Shivaprasad, G.M. Kamath, “Modeling and Characterization of Magnetorheological Fluid for Smart Damper Design,” Project Document, PD AC 0403, April 2004, National Aerospace Laboratories.
Nitesh Gupta, Ramesh Sundaram, G.M. Kamath, and M. Subba Rao, “Characterisation of Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring,” Project Document, PD AC 0402, April 2004, National Aerospace Laboratories.
K. Praveen, G.M. Kamath, Ramesh Sundaram, and M. Subba Rao, “Composite Testbox Studies for Structural Health Monitoring,” Project Document, PD AC 0401, March 2004, National Aerospace Laboratories.
K. Prasad Rao, B. Varughese, G.M. Kamath, M.N. Bapu Rao, and M. Subba Rao, “Finite Element Analysis of a Typical Aircraft Wing Test Box,” Project Document, PD AC 0304, October 2003, National Aerospace Laboratories.
A novel control surface “auxiron” to optimize solar power collection of solar aircraft, VS Dwivedi, AK Ghosh and GM Kamath, Indian patent filed, Jan 2020.
An improved fibre metal laminate and a process of preparation thereof, M Subba Rao, MNN Gowda, Kotresh M Gaddikeri, Stanley Chacko and GM Kamath, Indian patent filed, Mar 2009.
Book Chapter
Kamath, G.M., and Wereley, N.M., “Modeling of the Damping Mechanism in ER Fluid Based Dampers,”M3DIII: Mechanics and Mechanisms of Material Damping, ASTM STP, 1304, A. Wolfenden, V.K. Kinra, eds., American Society of Testing and Materials, 1997, pp. 331 – 348.
Edited Volume
Krishnan, R.V., Ramesh Sundaram, and Kamath, G.M., Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, July 2005.